
Thursday, March 1, 2018

northwestern university update application

- [voiceover] in the quickest summary, what did you uncover? - a school in california that is made up of 99% foreign students and has in fact become oneof the country's largest importers of foreign students. the university, they were very afraid that students who weren'tdoing well academically would have to leave thecountry and leave the school,

which would cost them a lot of money. (dramatic music) is that good? there was this insane storyin the indian media last year that a lot of the studentstrying to come to this college were being blocked from boarding airplanes and turned back at customs. we started doing some digging. we were able to find thisamazing trove of documents

that gave us this insidelook at the university and its financials and whatthe administrators were up to. i uncovered an institutionalizedsystem of changing grades, making it impossible forstudents to fail classes. the school was almost entirelycontrolled by one family that's reaped somepretty serious benefits, even though technicallyit's a nonprofit college. the university doesn't spend a lot on educating its students,

but it does spend a lot of money on paying recruiters in india to bring the students in for them. they spent over a milliondollars on these recruiters who advertise the school and in return they get a portionof the students' tuition. days when the school'saccreditor came to visit, the school set up thiselaborate potemkin village of a university.

they instructed their teachers who are in fact part time to say that they workedfull time at the university and sit in offices. there was also a period where the school didn't have a librarian andthey brought in a librarian from outside, from a different university to sit at the desk. what's really messed up and crazy

is that even though the presidentand his second in command have multimillion dollar houses owned by the university, they spend almost nothingon educating their students. it also points to this very big weakness in our accreditation system. our evidence suggests they'remaybe not doing their job, even when confronted with evidence of pretty serious wrongdoing.

(whooshing) (creaking)

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