
Wednesday, March 14, 2018

york university bargaining update

"lao wai", short for people from elsewhere. this is then split into "wai guo ren" [people from another country, foreigner] and "wai di ren"[people from another part of the country, from out of town]. both surnamed “外”, but one in the hearts of the people are elite magnanimous and high-class. whereas the other kind are often ridiculed "you're such a country bumpkin."

in beijing, there are up to seven million “lao wai” who have come from various parts of the motherland. there are about 200,000 laowai from various parts of the world. china, as a country of etiquette since ancient times, when it comes to how it treats its international friends, is of course all about showing great consideration and hospitality. a foreigner who comes to beijing to work and live can enjoy this series of "super-national treatment" [preferential treatment above the country's own citizens] whereas "wai di ren" *cough cough*, as one of our own, let's just not quibble over a some self-sacrifice, okay?

although there is only one chinese character different between "wai guo ren" and "wai di ren" where are the other differences? firstly, house. if "wai di ren" want to buy a house in beijing, they have to pay five years of social insurance or have proof of having paid five years of individual taxes before they qualify to buy a home in this center of the universe. if you happen to have had a break in the middle where you changed jobs and didn't work for two months, or if your employer unfortunately also happens to be non-local,

congratulations, you've won the lottery, make another five-year plan [of working for a local beijing employer paying social insurance/individual taxes to beijing]! however, it’s much easier for foreigners. you only have to work one year in beijing, then you can buy a home, sell it, buy, sell, buy, sell, buy, sell! secondly, taxes. one can never get away from paying taxes living in this world. working in beijing, any citizen who earns more than 3,500 yuan per month has to pay taxes. whereas foreigners…

due to [government] worries that high prices may result in them being unable to get enough to eat or have enough to wear, only if they make more than 4800 yuan, do they need to pay taxes. if foreigners want to start a business in china, there are even more preferential treatment and happiness. not only can you register [a company] easily and smoothly, what is even more important is, you can get no taxes! tax cuts! and more tax cuts!

thirdly, children. as long as you're a chinese citizen, you better have less children and plant more trees. whereas foreigners, you can have as many as you want, you can even have enough to make a football/soccer team and it's no problem! naturally, once you have children, they'll need education. as long as you get a "chinese green card"long-term/permanent residency] foreigners' children can enjoy the same educational treatment that local people’s children get.

as for the children of 'wai di ren", schooling in beijing? taking the "gao kao" college entrance examination in beijing? impossible! previously there was a report of a "wai di" child who lived in beijing with his "wai di" father, but in his senior year of high school discovered that he could not take the "gao kao" college entrance examination. so, he could only go to his mother who was far away in america, and after getting an american green card, everything was immediately solved.

“teacher, this is my proof of admissions to the test, a green card.” “no problem! the "gao kao" welcomes you, and 10 points extra!” though this was fake news, as long as a foreigner has [long-term residency in china] you indeed can participate in the gaokao in beijing. once in university, a high-end, luxurious, high-class foreign students dormitory is immediately available for you to move in. with air conditioning, dear! "wai di ren" can only be jealous, envious, and hateful!"

you see, in order to let foreigners blend into beijing better we truly bend over backwards and do everything we can! being a foreigner, is quite nice! as for "wai di ren", we might as well talk about the problem of achieving world peace. however, what if “lao wai” don’t want to live in beijing anymore? the haze [pollution] that lasted half a year made many foreigners consider returning to the embrace of their motherlands. whereas wai di ren...

“darling, i wanna go home…” “fuck you! you are only allowed to come back after you've paid off the mortgage!” "what is this?" "we're all 'lao wai'..." "...but why is our treatment so different?" because confucius once said, “is it not delightful to have friends come from afar?” it's just that the further they are from, the more delightful it is. "what?!"

updated university rankings

harvard and yale are often referred to as“the best of the best”. but when it comes to the highest ranked universities,these and other ivy league schools don’t even make it into the top five. so what are the world’s best universities? well, according to an index by the times highereducation, stanford ranks 3rd in the world. most people associate stanford with tech-capitalsilicon valley, which is where the school is located. and in fact, it’s largely because of stanfordthat the region is now the global capital of entrepreneurship and technology.

in the 1940’s and 50’s the universityheavily encouraged students and faculty to start their own companies, eventually leadingto companies like google and snapchat. and still today, the school is known to producesome of the most successful entrepreneurs. a stanford degree is in extremely high demand,and the school maintains the lowest acceptance rate in the country, admitting less than 5percent of applicants. much of stanford’s credibility and desirabilitycomes from its impressive list of alumni, which includes chelsea clinton, yahoo ceomarissa mayer and john f kennedy. even better than stanford is the californiainstitute of technology. also known as caltech, the university is predominantlyfocused on engineering, technology and applied

sciences. in the 1930’s the university founded nasa’sjet propulsion laboratory, which builds space robots and conducts astronomy missions. caltech continues to manage jpl, and the twohave worked together on dozens of space missions. the school’s faculty and alumni include34 nobel laureates, and according to a 2015 study, more caltech graduates go on to earnphds than any other alma mater. but the best university in the world is locatedoutside the united states. oxford university in the uk is regularly rankedfirst. â compared to caltech and stanford, oxfordis enormous, with 44 colleges and more than

100 libraries. it’s also one of the oldest universities,with historians tracing instruction as far back as the 11th century. oxford’s ascension to the top comes in partfrom its exceptionally high research income. between 2014 and 2015, charities, individualsand businesses funnelled nearly $680 million dollars into the university for research. oxford is also home to the largest universitypress and one of the oldest and most prestigious scholarships, the rhodes scholarship. while there are many lists ranking collegesaround the world, most tend to rank these

three schools near the top. and although most of the top schools are inthe west, a number of schools in china are quickly making their way up the list. over the last two decades, china has investedmore than $30 billion dollars in its best universities. and it seems to be working. the number of chinese universities in thetop 200 doubled in 2016, with beijing’s peking university ranking highest, althoughstill only in 42nd place worldwide. chinese parents are known to send their childrento study in the us, however with china’s

own universities on the rise, we may somedaysee the tables turned. we can’t do episodes like this without oursponsors and this episode is brought to you by domain dot com. if you’re an entrepreneur, innovator, orbuilding a small business, domain dot com is the place to go when that next great ideahits you. get 20% off domain dot com’s already affordabledomain names and web hosting when you use coupon code seeker at checkout. when you think domain names, think domaindot com. so the best schools don’t seem to be partof the ivy league, but these eight private

universities still in high demand and takein millions of dollars every year. so why is the ivy league so powerful? find out in this video. thanks for watching seeker daily! don’t forget to like and subscribe for newvideos every day.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

update university's american flag ban overturned

it seems like we can all week here itsu_s_ university without reading a story of the offensive excesses of colleget-shirts i can remember last week we had that i had an abortion t-shirt uh... and now we have one at the topthree crew team was actually suspended after a number of their members warshirt to the spring fling dance at their school that said struck out our cocks now if you're familiar with true not aniline bearish holy familiar with it but even iknow that they call one of the positions

on a crew team the coxswain and socourse there playing with that uh... now we've got the picture of thesheriff here you can see for yourself personally i don't think it looks allthat offensive but the dean of the university saiduh... wendy or conditional bias complaint was lodged against thechristine he said the shirt was to phallic andpromoted aggression and rape were all lives here at the white t uh...

i don't like to offend peopleunnecessarily i think that i do a pretty good job of of avoiding that uh... but i have to say this is way topc even for us lives uh... to phallic mean the words sounds kinda phallic idon't think they're really playing within image there you have to structureimagination to make that case and promoted aggression and rape looked these are serious issuesobviously as we've said many times times

aunty write to you before uh... sexual sold more common onuniversities than in the surrounding areas it's not something that we like tojoke about but really promoting aggression rate check out our cocks it's like an invitation it's not pushing anything you know insomeone's face uh... in its obviously a joke

i think that look crew isn't the mostpopular sport and most colleges as far as i know but i think most people get the ideait's spelled differently uh... it's not something that as far asi know the crew team was wearing around all the time it was at the spring fling and that there are a bunch of athletesthere it's probably considered cool to wear so the same shirts on your team andfit in in that way now as i said uh... brief suspension hasbeen overturned and there was a quote by the presidentof tops he said in a letter

under the circumstances i'd believe thatyour suspension to date and the raid apologies you have offeredfor breaking team rules and for any unintentional spencer t shirts cause constitutes sufficient consequence and looked at me speculate aboutpunishments a lot of the show ait something that we like to do its kindafun uh... who we don't like to see people get punished unnecessarily in theidea that a bunch of students would be suspended uh... simply because they weresure as far as we know one time outlook

it's good that they're being taught alesson to some extent i'm sure they'll be much more careful about the designs of their team wardrobes inthe future but i think that the university went toofar i think that the university accepts that that's why they've reverse asuspension uh... and i think that so far as there are any further excessesthis is probably the last we should hear about the task routine um... they're just try to have some fun

it's college

update university of pretoria

welcome to the school of graduatestudies application webpage. here you will find step-by-step instructions onhow to apply to the school of graduate studies at memorial university. so let'sget started, first decide when you want to begin your studies at memorial, checkthe relevant deadlines here before filling out your application. next, you'llneed to collect all required application materials for your graduate application,they are listed under step 2. finally submit your online application andsupporting documents. if you are a returning student you will need to loginto your self-service and click on admission to start a new application. ifyou are a new student applying to the

school of graduate studies you'll needto create an account, create your own application login and pin. once you enteryour email address and click submit you will receive a verification email, clickthe link to verify your email and you'll be directed back to the admissions loginpage. to login click the down menu and select graduate program, click continue,next you'll select the admission term if you are applying for fall 2017you will select 2017-2018 fall, click fill out application. next you will fillout the application checklist make sure you fill out your name, permanent addresspersonal information, citizenship/ residence and next-of-kin information.next-of-kin can be your parent, spouse or

guardian in case of emergency thisperson will be contacted. next add your academic information, depending on yourlevel of study you may have more than one entry make sure you include allentries for the application. next fill out the prerequisiteinformation section make sure you check the admission requirements of yourprogram to determine if this section is required. next enter your refereesinformation. next you will fill out the statement of interest section make sureyou fill out all the sections applicable to your program of interest, indicateyour program of study by selecting either full-time or part-time studiesand select your area of interest from

the top down menu then click next. if youare an international applicant select the english proficiency exam you tookfrom the top down menu, next enter your resume in the space provided oncefinished click continue. next if you wish to be considered for financialassistance answer yes to the following question your eligibility for fundingwill be assessed with your application. finally, fill out the specialcircumstances section if it is applicable to you. check that you havefilled out all the sections correctly click submit application, you will bedirected to pay your application fee. if you have any questions please contact usat sgs@mun.ca. thank you.

update university of missouri

dorie clark puts his bodythrough quite a workout. (sot-no super too fast)“the body is not what is used to be.”clark wants to be a police officer.but to wear the badge he must complete more than 600hours of law enforcement training over 15 weeks.sot---(:16)--------------------- dorie clark65-year-old leti trainee instructor“the most difficult part of the training is the physicalpart of it especially with my

body at 65 years old.”clark is the oldest trainee in the 50 year history of theuniversity of missouri extension’s law enforcementtraining institute. sot---(:32)----------------------bill stephens mu extension leti“it’s challenging for any person any age,absolutely it is. but it’s especially challenging forhim, but he’s got the right attitude about it."a few months ago clark was laid off from his job as awelder in eldon missouri.

clark was in lawenforcement in the late 80’s. now he would like toreturn to the line of duty. most days begin withphysical training at 6 a.m. add class work and testingto the mix…some days last until 10 at night.sot------(dorie again) “it’s hard for me, it’snot easy.” sot---(instructor stephens again)“there isn’t any cutting anything. you meetthe standards or you don’t meet the standards.”clark’s classmates are

much younger but theysupport him. sot----(1:14)-----------------nick weske leti trainee“i think dorie’s a great guy and yeah, he has a couplenicknames. one of them is pops and i respect him for his ageand coming in here and keeping up with the best ofus.” sot-----(1:19)------------------richard ingram leti trainee“you know, if pops can stick with it then we all canstick with it.”

it’s that motivationclark and his classmates will need to make it throughseveral more weeks of the mu training.sot-(no super dorie clark again) “you gotta be crazy to bedoing this. but the joy of it is seeing the other classmatesand knowing that i am definitely inspiring them and they areinspiring me to continue.” ((nats))in columbia kent faddis reporting.

update university of georgia football

ok here we go. alright you both have your luggage? yeah i think we've got everything. and you got your toothbrushes and your tickets? commissioner. we've got this. i'm so proud of both of you. going off to the college football playoff together. now go win us a championship. we're going to give you everything we've got. all aboard!

ok look there's something i want to show you both before you leave ok? some of the boys wanted to be here to make sure you got sent off right. really? we're all rooting for you. every last one of us. uh. actually i'll be cheering for oklahoma. wait what? yeah i don't care much for georgia. nice. hey remind me when your bowl game is again.

i want to set my dvr. ok look. we all know it's been an intense season with... fierce rivalries. but now we can all come together because now we're finally on the same team. uhh.. no. here we go!

look yeah you beat both of us and yet.. we're still both up here! 26-14 rushing the field all the way to the peach bowl! good one. what? we have a new coach. we can contribute again. look it's not about what happened in the past.

it's about what's happening now. we're the only conference that has two teams in the playoffs. who doesn't want to see an sec vs sec championship game? nope. not me. wait. so there's a playoff now or something? actually i'm cheering for alabama. see? there we go. i mean i hate you but i hate clemson more. does that make sense?

thanks for clarifying that. just shut up all of you! what is wrong with you people!? we're the sec! it just means more! yeah more 5 star recruits. and i can't wait for them to transfer to auburn. just get on the stupid train! ahhh can we leave yet?

update university hospital syracuse ny

how is prostate cancer different from othertypes of cancer? what we know from the tumor biology that prostatecancer is an extremely slow growing tumor, that does not mean that patients will dieof prostate cancer, in fact 25,000 men every year in the united states die of prostatecancer. but these tumors are slow growing. our goal as physicians and neurologists isto identify those tumors that are much more aggressive. aggressive tumors tend to proliferateor grow rapidly and these are the cancers that actually kill people. up to this point,we have only had the gleason score of what the cells look like to try to determine thenatural history of prostate cancer. there is a lot of research that has been done recentlyand the genetic marker field is now becoming

sort of a new horizon where we are lookingat ways to predict aggressiveness in patients with prostate cancer. the oncotype dx testis just one way in which we can use genetic markers or profiles to try to determine theaggressiveness of these tumors. these tumors that have a high gps score or tend to be muchmore aggressive and these are the tumors that one would probably choose a definitive interventionsuch as surgery or radiation rather than active surveillance. some prostate cancers are high risk, aggressive,and more likely to spread. others are low risk, least likely to have bad outcomes. thebiopsy says cancer, but current diagnostic tools provide limited information about howaggressive a man's individual disease is,

so most men decide to treat prostate cancerimmediately. once treated, many men experience serious long-term side effects like incontinenceand sexual impotence. immediate treatment is not always needed, but right now a mancan't be sure if his cancer is the kind that is likely to require treatment or if he isokay to wait for now. what if there was a test that could determine how aggressive prostatecancer is. genomic health is developing a new test to do just that. by reviewing theunderlying biology of the tumor and using genes from multiple biologic pathways, thetest can predict the aggressiveness of prostate cancer when diagnosed, allowing a man to makea more informed treatment decision with confidence, taking care of himself with more informationand greater peace of mind.

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