
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

update university's american flag ban overturned

it seems like we can all week here itsu_s_ university without reading a story of the offensive excesses of colleget-shirts i can remember last week we had that i had an abortion t-shirt uh... and now we have one at the topthree crew team was actually suspended after a number of their members warshirt to the spring fling dance at their school that said struck out our cocks now if you're familiar with true not aniline bearish holy familiar with it but even iknow that they call one of the positions

on a crew team the coxswain and socourse there playing with that uh... now we've got the picture of thesheriff here you can see for yourself personally i don't think it looks allthat offensive but the dean of the university saiduh... wendy or conditional bias complaint was lodged against thechristine he said the shirt was to phallic andpromoted aggression and rape were all lives here at the white t uh...

i don't like to offend peopleunnecessarily i think that i do a pretty good job of of avoiding that uh... but i have to say this is way topc even for us lives uh... to phallic mean the words sounds kinda phallic idon't think they're really playing within image there you have to structureimagination to make that case and promoted aggression and rape looked these are serious issuesobviously as we've said many times times

aunty write to you before uh... sexual sold more common onuniversities than in the surrounding areas it's not something that we like tojoke about but really promoting aggression rate check out our cocks it's like an invitation it's not pushing anything you know insomeone's face uh... in its obviously a joke

i think that look crew isn't the mostpopular sport and most colleges as far as i know but i think most people get the ideait's spelled differently uh... it's not something that as far asi know the crew team was wearing around all the time it was at the spring fling and that there are a bunch of athletesthere it's probably considered cool to wear so the same shirts on your team andfit in in that way now as i said uh... brief suspension hasbeen overturned and there was a quote by the presidentof tops he said in a letter

under the circumstances i'd believe thatyour suspension to date and the raid apologies you have offeredfor breaking team rules and for any unintentional spencer t shirts cause constitutes sufficient consequence and looked at me speculate aboutpunishments a lot of the show ait something that we like to do its kindafun uh... who we don't like to see people get punished unnecessarily in theidea that a bunch of students would be suspended uh... simply because they weresure as far as we know one time outlook

it's good that they're being taught alesson to some extent i'm sure they'll be much more careful about the designs of their team wardrobes inthe future but i think that the university went toofar i think that the university accepts that that's why they've reverse asuspension uh... and i think that so far as there are any further excessesthis is probably the last we should hear about the task routine um... they're just try to have some fun

it's college

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