
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

update university of missouri

dorie clark puts his bodythrough quite a workout. (sot-no super too fast)“the body is not what is used to be.”clark wants to be a police officer.but to wear the badge he must complete more than 600hours of law enforcement training over 15 weeks.sot---(:16)--------------------- dorie clark65-year-old leti trainee instructor“the most difficult part of the training is the physicalpart of it especially with my

body at 65 years old.”clark is the oldest trainee in the 50 year history of theuniversity of missouri extension’s law enforcementtraining institute. sot---(:32)----------------------bill stephens mu extension leti“it’s challenging for any person any age,absolutely it is. but it’s especially challenging forhim, but he’s got the right attitude about it."a few months ago clark was laid off from his job as awelder in eldon missouri.

clark was in lawenforcement in the late 80’s. now he would like toreturn to the line of duty. most days begin withphysical training at 6 a.m. add class work and testingto the mix…some days last until 10 at night.sot------(dorie again) “it’s hard for me, it’snot easy.” sot---(instructor stephens again)“there isn’t any cutting anything. you meetthe standards or you don’t meet the standards.”clark’s classmates are

much younger but theysupport him. sot----(1:14)-----------------nick weske leti trainee“i think dorie’s a great guy and yeah, he has a couplenicknames. one of them is pops and i respect him for his ageand coming in here and keeping up with the best ofus.” sot-----(1:19)------------------richard ingram leti trainee“you know, if pops can stick with it then we all canstick with it.”

it’s that motivationclark and his classmates will need to make it throughseveral more weeks of the mu training.sot-(no super dorie clark again) “you gotta be crazy to bedoing this. but the joy of it is seeing the other classmatesand knowing that i am definitely inspiring them and they areinspiring me to continue.” ((nats))in columbia kent faddis reporting.

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