
Friday, February 23, 2018

duke university construction update

>> purdue university is planningan $82 million renovation of mackey arena. as envisioned the new complexwould stretch north along northwestern avenue. fans will benefit fromthe new ticket office, a larger concourse,more restaurants, and some upgraded seating. athletes will receive largerlocker rooms, training and sports medicine facilitiesand more practice base.

the key piece of thecomplex is a consolidated and enlarged academic center. athletic director morgan burkesays the project will cost just one third as much asbuilding new and will be paid for almost entirely byprivate fundraising. >> the mackey complex aswe refer to is a project that is the most comprehensive and significant facilityundertaking in the university'sathletic history.

it will bring a 40-yearold campus landmark into the 21st century whilepreserving its rich history and tradition. >> the complex is scheduledto be completed prior to the 2011-2012 season. men's basketball coach mattpainter says the new complex will aid recruiting efforts. >> we have a lot of substanceat purdue university. if you are making a decisionwhether you go to college

and you are in yourmid-thirties, i think we can battle withanybody in the country, but when you are trying to get16, 17, 18-year old kids to go to school, this is huge for us. >> burke said the new facilitiesare designed to help athletes in all sports succeedphysically and academically. opened in 1967, mackeyarena has gone forty years without a significantrenovation. since 1980, eight big tenuniversities had built new

arenas or renovatedexisting ones. to accommodate anexpanded mackey complex, the grand prix track willbe relocated west of campus, the football practicefield will be moved north to the former grand prix site, parking lot f willbe moved north to the former footballfield to make way for mackey construction. a new tv contract with thebig ten network will provide a

funding basis. the construction is contingenton successful fund raising with potential donors.

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