
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

city university contraception update

twelve years ago, i joined planned parenthood to fight for a world where every woman can live her best life. together, we’ve built a movement to protect and improve reproductive health. and i could not be prouder. today, i am announcing that i will be stepping down from my position as president of planned parenthood this year. from my first moment at planned parenthood, i have been in awe of our brave doctors, clinicians,

staff, and volunteers who provide care to one in five american women. and to all of you who count on planned parenthood, know that this organization will be here for you no matter where you live, how much money you make, who you love, or where you come from. planned parenthood has been part of the fabric of this country for one hundred years, and, thanks to you, it’ll be here for a hundred more.

this last year has been one of the most inspiring of my life, as longtime staff and supporters marched and rallied alongside brand new activists, like deja foxx, a teenager from tucson, who fiercely defended planned parenthood to her u.s. senator; or gina walkington, a planned parenthood patient from bristol, wisconsin, who got involved last winter and is now organizing thousands in her community. deja and gina are just some of the 11 million supporters who embody planned parenthood’s mission.

planned parenthood has helped tens of millions take control of their health and their futures by providing birth control, pap smears, breast exams, sti testing and treatment, and safe, legal abortion. today, america is at a 30-year low for unintended pregnancies, and historic lows for abortions and teen pregnancies. this is one of the most important public health success stories in history, and it would not have been possible without the life-changing – and lifesaving – work of planned parenthood.

it has been an incredible honor to be part this organization — as a patient, as president, and now, as a lifelong supporter and champion. i will always be committed the goals we share. thank you for supporting me through the years and for carrying on this important work.

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