
Monday, February 19, 2018

anna university updates 2015

hair flip. what's up? my name is logan paul and i play blake in"the thinning," coming to youtube redthis october. check out the officialtrailer for my new movie, "the thinning." ♪♪ - how many sides doesa pentagon have?- five.

- what causes disease?- bacteria. - how many lettersare in the alphabet?- twenty-six. take your time, focus on the equation. you're going to do great. - i love you.- i love you so much. woman: what if only the smartest boys and girls got to live here? we are the number one most educated population in 196 countries.

you'll have two hours to complete the test. all grades are final. here are the results. - no, no, no, no.- no. no! no! no! laina michaels. what? ellie harper.

[distant scream]no! [yelling]ellie! we have to do something,dad. i'm sorry, son,my hands are tied. ♪ dark as midnight ♪ ♪ blue and red lights ♪ ♪ come take you away ♪ if my dad wants to stand by the system, he's gonna have to standby a system

that put his own sonto death. get the hell outof here. [powering down] the system is down,commence containment mode. [alarms sounding] an: there is a story developingat vista point high school. girl: something's not right. there's no way i failed that test. - oh, my god, laina.- kellan?

can you help me? you need to see this. we're going liveright now. we need to findwhere they keep the tests. man: take herto the thinning. there are those that say the thinning is barbaric. is it barbaric to be the best? [slow footsteps] [charging sound]

if you don't support our great society, then you are a parasite. we're in this together. do you know what we do with parasites? we wash them out! are we approved to commence the thinning? you are approved.

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