
Monday, March 12, 2018

university updates app

to start, click the register button, which will take you to the welcome page. it contains help documents and videos for your convenience. to continue, click "continue to registration." if you have any issues, for example you need to update your emergency contact info, a checklist page will be provided. checklist with a red x must be completed. yellows are

warnings, and blue eyes are informational. if you find yourself with red x's but you want to see where you're at, you can always click on "go into registration" in preview mode. you can see everything there and simulate the entire process. however you will not be able to submit registration in preview mode. moving on. next you will see the list of

requirements that would be ideal for you to take this semester. it is based on your current academic record and your degree program requirements. choose a requirement by clicking on "select a requirement." this will show you which courses can be taken to meet that requirement. once you look through and found a course that works for you, click

on it to put it in your cart. great job! you have selected your first course. now letê»s move on to the next requirement. you can do this by clicking on "the next requirement" on the right. if you get confused about which requirement you're registering for, you can always see the requirements name in the top right. now choose the course for the next requirement. what you are probably

starting to realize is that all the courses that you can choose from are different from requirement to requirement. if the first is an english writing requirement you will only find english writing classes. if the requirement is for elementary math you will only have certain math classes to choose from. this way it is virtually

impossible to go off track. all of the courses listed count toward your degree requirements. often there are so many classes to choose from you will need to filter on the right. for example you can filter for courses by day and time. select accords for the filtered search and click "continue." then click the "submit registration" button. congratulations! you're registered.

that's it, and every course counts toward your degree program.

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