
Tuesday, March 6, 2018

university of auckland update details

(music) hi and welcome to brook when you arrive at brook, the front door willnormally be open just give it a push and come straight inyou'll see this sign take a right to reception where you'll beseen by one of our lovely receptionists. hi, so when you come into reception we wontask any of your personal details as we respect your confidentiality. what will happen is, we will give you oneof these registration forms, ask you to go into the waiting room to complete it, and come back to give it in,

then wait in the waiting area for your name to be calledout. simple as that! so this is our brook waiting room, and asyou can see it's really spacious with lots of information on the walls for you to take in whilst you're waiting for your name to be called. for example we have our confidentiality policyjust here for you with protecting young people. and we have our anit-bullying policies juston the board and we also have our "work it out" board now this was created by our "work it out" members which is an lgbt+ support group

for anyone aged 14 - 18. it takes place right here 6:15pm - 8:15pmevery thursday, its a fantastic group so please come along and get involved. so once your name has been called by one ofour nurses, health care assistants or the counsellor you'll come up to one of our consultationroom, similar to this one. we are a young persons service for any oneunder the age of 25, you can here for anythng to do with your health and wellbeing. and if we can't fully support you, then we work with lots of other agencies such as:response, health services in schools, and kooth

the online counselling service, whowe can signpost you to. we hope you've enjoyed our virtual tour andthat we've given a good insight into the services here and dont forget we are a really friendly service,we dont judge young people, and all young people are treated with respect. we are open 6 days a week: monday - saturday,and all our opening times can be found on the brook website along with really good usefulinformation and advice. we also have a twitter handle - @merseybrook. so follow us to!!! bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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