
Friday, February 16, 2018

anna university update exam time table

we understand the great truism, that journalism is the first rough draft of history and that's why we believe that the synergy between these two disciplines and energy between our two departments, will create something really, really special for our students we're really seeking to explore the synergies between our two disciplines

the research, the inquiring mind, the analysis thinking about how the past informs the present, looking critically at the past and the present and thinking how we can draw those two disciplines together we're very excited about this programme. it's a great combination of the strengths of both our departments, and our disciplines, which will results in a stimulating and

innovative programme, which will be enjoyed by many students and offer enormous potential for career development students who also work on our journalism programmes will work on our east london lines local news website and that's a very special thing for working on our journalism course, it is a very distinctive thing that we offer students i think goldsmiths is absolutely the ideal place to do this kind of course

the whole idea of bringing together history and journalism in one program really exemplifies that creativity and interdisciplinarity that goldsmiths really focusses on of course we're right on the doorstep of some of the finest museums, galleries, archives and libraries in the world, and we'll be taking you out to look at those to visit them and to learn from them studying here in the media & communications and histroy departments at goldsmiths

will be a really rewarding and enriching experience for students, who come here from all over the country, from all over london, from all over the world to enjoy our campus to enjoy the very special qualities that goldsmith's can bring to studying. we're a creative, innovative place i want students who are really curious i want them to demonstrate to me that they are really curious about the world, past and present that they are open to new ideas,

that they're not set in their ideas but i also want students are going to come and debate with us, who aren't just going to be there as empty vessels waiting to be filled up but who want to come and engage and debate and discuss and argue with us

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