
Thursday, February 15, 2018

anna university counselling update

often students feel bewildered because they'retrying to choose a career for their whole life. and i try to encourage them that they'renot going to be like their parents with one career right through their whole life. demographersare saying now that students who are going into university are going to have 5 or 6 careers.so really you only have to think about the next 5 years. the most important thing that year 12 studentscan do when they're unsure is to do lots of research. and another thing that they coulddo which would be very helpful is to look on this government website myfuture and itreally helps you establish whether you like to work with people or with data - inside,outside - and gives you a number of job options

at the end. if you're feeling that you've persevered through a course and your heart isn't really in that course there are some other options.you could go and do a work integrated learning program, and then you're working on thejob, getting paid and it gives you an opportunity to see how the big world works. the other thing that you could think aboutis doing some postgraduate study in an area where you'll become a specialist. the most important thing is to do a coursethat taps into your skills and enjoy doing a course and do very, very well.

at the end of every year many students feeldisappointed. they've got their year 12 results, but they don't get the universitycourse that they had hoped for. so i'd like to encourage students to not give up hope at that point. first of all there's careers counselling available through victoria university. anotheridea is having a gap year and having a break - doing some hospitality or customer serviceand then think carefully about what course they might want to do. and then of course there's theopportunity to go into mid-year entry so there's no need to get discouraged or to give up.stay strong and look towards the future.

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